The next in the series of the self defense weapon is known as the parrot. The parrot great additions are the "beak pieces"; which allow you to break off fingers that grab your arms or other parts of your body. I wanted a tool, which can be placed over a finger and twisted so that the finger would break or hurt so much that the attacker would let you go. I wanted the ability to humanely get somebody to stop grabbing you. I think the parrot fills that bill. Another thing the parrot does, because of the beak pieces, it really helps to stop someone from punching or kicking at you more than once. Essentially, it has four points that can serve you well. The pummel is pointed as well and thus it can be a push knife. This is a great weapon for anti-grapple applications (some one who grabs you and you need to get away quick!) Great for home safety, personal safety and would be a great addition to your self defense weapons!
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