The Compact Premium Woodman's Pal – A Unique Tool Offering Optimum Performance, Effectiveness and Control, Artfully Beautiful In Its Achievement with a Proud History – Made in the USA. Gripped as either an axe or a machete, the Woodman's Pal can clear trails and brush and perform the tasks of many tools such as machetes, axes, hatchets, trimming saws, pruning scissors, knives, bow saws and sometimes even chain saws. With one Woodman's Pal, you can trim bushes and small trees, prune, clear or blaze trails, clear brush from lines, remove unwanted growth and build shelters or duck blinds. As All-American as you can get, Woodman's Pal tools are formed from the highest-grade American steel, melded with the best American ash wood. Enthusiastic Pennsylvania craftsmen do all manufacturing of the Woodman's Pal. Their precision and attention to detail are proof of their commitment to our USA Pride an motto: Build it once, Build it right. Today, users of the Woodman's Pal still praise its versatility and effectiveness. The tool is still used by outdoorsman and woman, from forest managers to gardeners, from hikers an campers to surveyors, from hunters and fishermen to soldiers and from handymen to scouts.